Manifesting Desires: A 7-Step Guide


Manifesting Desires

Since the release of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne in 2006, the idea of manifesting your desires using the Law of Attraction has made its way into mainstream thinking. The ideas suggested in The Secret offered people hope because it presented the idea that you can change your life for the better by changing the way you think.

Although some people had some success with these ideas, some people (me included), struggled to turn these new ideas into something real. Why? Because the Law of Attraction is only a part of the story and, by focusing only on this, you miss vital steps of the manifesting process.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is just one of the spiritual laws of the Universe. These are the unchanging laws that help us understand the nature of the Universe, universal energy and our relationship to it. The Law of attraction states that like attracts like. This means the things we think about and focus on are what we see, experience and become. Thoughts become things.


What is Manifesting?

The Universe is a living, thinking, creative substance and it is eager to help you enhance your life in any way it can. Manifesting is an innate human ability that allows you to work in cooperation with the Universe to turn your thoughts into reality. This ability is not something you switch on or off, so if you’re thinking, feeling and taking actions, you’re manifesting. And if you’re not consciously aware of what you’re doing, there’s every chance you’re manifesting things you don’t want.

This guide will show you how to consciously work with the Universe to get you what you want.  

1: Be Specific

When you start the consciously manifesting with the Universe, it’s very important to be clear on what you want. Manifesting is a partnership between you and the Universe. It starts when you provide it with a clear image of what you want. The stronger your desire, the clearer the picture in your mind. The clearer the picture is in your mind, the more the Universe has to go on.

If your strongest desire is for a new car, you might focus your mental image on acquiring more money to buy the car. Although this is fine, you might find it easier to visualise the car rather than the money. It’s also important to remember that the Universe doesn’t always provide things in a way that’s obvious to you. So, by focusing only on the money, you could close the door to other ways in which it can receive the thing you want.

2: Monitor Your Thoughts

Try to be aware of the thoughts you’re already thinking and how they might sabotage you. You are engaging in the manifesting process, regardless of whether you mean to. It’s therefore a good idea to get to grips with what thoughts you’re regularly thinking.

You can do this by examining your beliefs. Beliefs are thoughts you’ve been thinking for a long time. Although beliefs can feel as undeniable as facts, in many cases, beliefs are based on subjective information.

What are you hoping to manifest? If you want more money, what do you think about money and how does it make you feel? Do you ever use phrases like ‘I’m always broke’ or ‘I never have money’? If these are your dominant thoughts about money, this is what you’re telling the Universe you want, so this is what it will give you. The Universe doesn’t judge your thoughts and feelings, it only responds.

Once you recognise your sabotaging thoughts, work towards changing them. Positive affirmations are a great place to start.

3: Visualise and Feel It

Once you know what you want, you need to think about it regularly. Imagine it in all its glorious detail as many times as you can. Once you can see it clearly, you need to feel it. How will it feel to have this thing or experience? What way will your life be different? How happy will you feel when you receive it? What will it look like?

This part of the process requires you to access those feelings and feel them now. The better you feel about it, the more power you provide to the Universe to help turn it into a reality. 


The more often you engage in this, the faster you’ll see results you’re looking for. I can’t underestimate the importance of this part of the process.

4: Take Inspired Action

Now that you’ve started visualizing and feeling the feelings of having the things you want, you will receive guidance to take some action. This is my favourite step in the manifestation process because it feels like things are moving in the right direction.

By visualising and feeling, you provide the Universe with the energy it needs to start working in the background on your behalf. When the time is right, the Universe will prompt you to take some action.

The Law of Inspired Action is one of the spiritual laws of the Universe. Inspired action is simply an urge to take some physical steps relating to the thing you’re trying to manifest. It’s called inspired action because it will feel inspired. Anything that feels routine, monotonous, or obligatory, probably isn’t coming from the Universe. This action should feel exciting and aligned.

If you’re trying to manifest a new relationship, you might be inspired to engage in a new hobby or social activity. If you’re trying to improve your career path, you might be prompted to apply to do a higher-level qualification or the opportunity might arise for a well-paying job abroad. Sometimes the action to take can come out of left-field. If you’re feeling it, go with it.

5: Be a Vibrational Match

The Law of Vibration (another of the spiritual laws) states that everything that exists is in a constant state of motion. We refer to this motion as vibration, and its frequency is the speed at which it moves.

With manifesting and the Law of Attraction, you can only attract things that are a match to your vibrational frequency. The higher your vibration, the more aligned you’ll be to the things you desire. The lower your vibration, the more you’ll attract the things in life you don’t want.

Assess your vibrational level by focusing on how you are feeling. Are you feeling anger, boredom, fear, frustration, etc? These are low vibrational emotions, and you will attract accordingly. Your aim is to move towards the higher vibrational feelings such as love, joy, contentment, optimism, contentment, etc. When you feel like this, the things you want will flow to you

Raising and Maintaining Your Vibration

The most important thing is not to attempt a drastic emotional shift. If you feel angry, attempting to feel optimistic all the time won’t work and is likely to make you feel worse when the attempt fails. Instead, work towards reducing your anger. This might cause you to feel discouragement or more worried than you did before. However, although these are still lower vibrational emotions, they’re higher in vibration than anger. From this level, it will be easier for you to move up towards feelings of doubt or pessimism. Again, not the most ideal emotions, but a lot better than what you were feeling before. It will take little effort to go from pessimistic to hopeful, a higher vibrational emotion that will start bringing you into alignment with the desires you’re trying to manifest.

On a practical level, some of the following can help you with your vibration raising journey.

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Listen to music.
  • Engage in something creative

6: Embrace an Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is a key ingredient in the manifestation process. The idea of manifesting a desire means you want to change something for the better. As such, the idea of gratitude can almost seem counterintuitive. However, this is all about creating a positive mindset.

Complaining and looking at the things you have with dissatisfaction sends out feelings of resistance. These feelings are low vibrational and, as discussed above, they will hinder your ability to attract the things you want.

Gratitude for what you have creates the positive mindset essential for manifesting. When you focus on the good things in your life, you attract other thoughts that feel good. As this happens, your vibrational level shifts upwards.

Practicing gratitude is something you can start today by using a gratitude journal. Every day for the next week, write five things you’re grateful for. Maybe it’s the people in your life, the compliment you received, or that you had green lights all the way home. It doesn’t matter what it is or whether it’s a big or small thing, it only matters that you acknowledge it.

7: Don’t Worry About How

I said at the beginning that manifesting is a partnership between you and the Universe. If you’re doing everything required of you in the manifesting process, trust that the Universe is doing its part. Don’t worry about how it’s going to deliver your desire, just know that it is. Let the Universe work for you, as it is eager to do.

The Law of Attraction has garnered widespread attention for its potential to transform lives. However, it’s crucial to recognise that it is only one piece of the manifesting puzzle. Manifesting requires you to clarify your desires, monitor your thoughts, visualise your goals, take inspired action, align your vibration, cultivate gratitude, and trust in the Universe. When you align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desires, you can open the door to limitless possibilities.


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